
FOI #23-495

Maxim Healthcare Staffing Services

Name: Joel Shroades

Affiliation: SmartProcure

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: SmartProcure is requesting an electronic copy of the contract pertaining to the following information.
University of Connecticut Health Center – PO634177 – CDIS Services Rider to the Master Services Agr – Vendor name - Maxim Healthcare Staffing Services - Issued 8/03/2023


FOI #23-492 (10-31-23, 11:18 am)

photos, videos, dash and/or body cam footage pertaining to incident on August 29, 2023.

Name: Tracy Caristinos

Affiliation: Levy, Leff & DeFrank, P.C.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 08/29/2023

Request Date End: 08/29/2023

Details: Our client was walking from the parking lot to UCONN Health, 200 Academic Way, Farmington, CT when he was struck by a motor vehicle in the crosswalk. See Police Report #2300062737


FOI #23-487 (10-27-23, 11:24 am)


Name: Sarah Caron

Affiliation: UCONN

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 10/18/2023

Request Date End: 10/18/2023

Details: hi
i applied for a position at UCONN and I was unfortunately rescinded due to reference if there is anyway I can get a copy of those reference answers


FOI #23-480

IBC Records

Name: Dan Patrone

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: I am writing to request for UConn Storrs and UConn Health
1. Copies of the minutes from the two most recent IBC meetings.
2. The IBC’s roster with biographical sketches from your most recent available annual report


FOI #23-479

Police Report

Name: Melissa Rydel

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: Any/all photos from case report# 2200075972


FOI #23-450

Purchase Orders

Name: Brandi Williams

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 07/27/2023

Request Date End: 10/10/2023

Details: SmartProcure is submitting a public records request to the University of Connecticut Health Center for any and all purchasing records from 7/27/2023 to current. The request is limited to readily available records without physically copying, scanning, or printing paper documents. Any editable electronic document is acceptable.

The specific information requested from your record-keeping system is:

1. Purchase order number. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e., invoice, encumbrance, or check number 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address


FOI #23-444 (10-4-23, 10:38 am)

Public Records Request - University of Connecticut, CT

Name: Frank Patterson

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 01/01/2023

Request Date End: 10/04/2023

Details: Hello,

I am contacting you in regard to a public records/information request.
I am looking for an up-to-date list of your current employees, full names, hire date, e-mail address, and salary, if possible, in digital format (excel preferred). I prefer to receive these documents via e-mail at

I am ONLY seeking public information that is clearly disclosable to me and not confidential by law, or otherwise protected, and exempted from disclosure under state law.

I understand there may be a cost associated with retrieving and copying these documents. Please provide me with an estimated list of fees if so and contact me if you have any questions or concerns about this request. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.


Frank Patterson
Academy Research Group
Phone: (405) 529-5687


FOI #23-428 (09-18-23, 11:08 am)

photos, videos, dash and/or body cam footage pertaining to incident on August 29, 2023.

Name: Tracy Caristinos

Affiliation: Levy, Leff & DeFrank, P.C.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 08/29/2023

Request Date End: 08/29/2023

Details: Our client was walking from the employee parking lot to his job site when he was struck by a motor vehicle on 8/29/23.


FOI #23-388

Sabbatical Leave

Name: Dave Altimari

Affiliation: CT Mirror

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: Copies of all sabbatical leave request forms from 2019 until the present.

Any records of “documented exceptions to the sabbatical policy” that were approved by the Provost or the Office of Human Resources for that same time period. We know this is something that UConn does, I’m not sure if you guys go as well or if you have a process to approve “exceptions” to the policy.


FOI #23-378

Policies and procedures that UConn Health follows when a person makes a claim of rape to the hospital.

Name: Lorraine Gioco

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: I’d like to know:

1) the hospital’s most recent statistics on numbers of rape cases each year,
2) what training the staff at UConn Health undergo to support rape victims,
3) the number of sexual assault evidence collecting kits (SAKs or rape kits) the hospital processes yearly,
4) finally, what emotional or victim support does UConn Health offer to its victims after a rape.
