FOI #19-134 (05-2-19, 8:37 am)

UConn Employee Contracts/ Athletic Contracts

Name: Kevin Cohen

Affiliation: Winthrop Intelligence

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: Pursuant to applicable authority, I am writing to request copies of the following “Documents” for the athletic department staff listed below:
Current employment contract and salary (Letter of intent, form agreement, or applicable document / record which shows annual compensation and start/end date of employment). If an employee does not have a formal written agreement, please provide (ideally in a spreadsheet or table format): Name, Compensation, and Start/End Date (or write “At Will” if applicable).
1. Gilleland Abby University of Connecticut
2. King Matt University of Connecticut
3. Major Max University of Connecticut
4. Moyseenko Mike University of Connecticut
5. Spanos Lou University of Connecticut Football

Pursuant to applicable authority, I am writing to request a copy of any contract or written agreement in force (i.e., signed, fully executed) for non-conference Football games listed below plus any additional non-conference games scheduled to be played between 2019 and 2035:
Clemson University 11/13/2021
Holy Cross 09/02/2021
Purdue University 09/11/2021
Purdue University 09/13/2025
University of Maine 09/19/2020
University of Massachusetts, Amherst 10/09/2021
