FOI #19-116 (04-12-19, 1:13 pm)

CBA article 10.3 and related records

Name: James Boster

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: (1) All public records, documents, and communications relating to Article 10.3 of the UConn-AAUP CBA since 1976. This includes but is not limited to all records mentioning “10.3” in communications between AAUP and UConn CBA negotiating teams, in pertinent notes and records taken by or exchanged among UConn staff members, and in legal notes and briefs in all past or pending claims and litigation whether in CBA arbitration or in the courts.
(2) Copies of all emails sent or received by past and present members of the UConn Office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations, the UConn Department of Communications, and the UConn Office of the General Counsel dated April 2014 to the present that mention “10.3” OR “Boster.”
(3) Copies of all emails sent or received by past and present members of the UConn Office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations, the UConn Department of Communications, and the UConn Office of the General Counsel dated April 2014 to the present that mention any of the last names “Bannister,” “Eagen,” “McCarthy,” & “LaVallee” AND mention any of the search terms enumerated below.
