Women's Basketball
Name: Ben Pickman
Affiliation: Withheld.
Location: UConn Storrs
Request Date Start: Withheld.
Request Date End: Withheld.
Details: I am contacting this office to make a public records request pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq., for the following public records relating to the University of Connecticut women's basketball team from 2020-2025, including:
- Any/all written documentation that details security initiatives/measures implemented to protect the 2024-25 women’s basketball team, as of the date this request is processed, including any contracts, retainer agreements, protocols, procedures, resources and/or expenses relating to the program.
- Any/all written documentation that details security initiatives/measures implemented to protect the 2023-24 women’s basketball team, including any contracts, retainer agreements, protocols, procedures, resources and/or expenses relating to the program.
- Any/all written documentation that details security initiatives/measures implemented to protect the 2022-23 women’s basketball team, including any contracts, retainer agreements, protocols, procedures, resources and/or expenses relating to the program.
- Any/all written documentation that details security initiatives/measures implemented to protect the 2021-22 women’s basketball team, including any contracts, retainer agreements, protocols, procedures, resources and/or expenses relating to the program.
- Any/all written documentation that details security initiatives/measures implemented to protect the 2020-21 women’s basketball team, including any contracts, retainer agreements, protocols, procedures, resources and/or expenses relating to the program.
-If University of Connecticut police provided security to the women’s basketball team between 2020-2025, the total expenses, for each year, for the provided security.