Missouri Accountability Portal Listing of Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W Following Terrible December 23rd 2013 Morning at Fulton State Hospital
Name: Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W
Affiliation: Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W ORCID.: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5780-6457
Location: UConn Storrs
Request Date Start: 12/20/2013
Request Date End: 12/23/2024
Details: What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are records in your possession detailing your discussions about [1] the obligations of the University of Connecticut (UConn) to list the name and annual salary of their employees; [2] the mechanism and the website in use by UConn for the purpose of listing the name and annual salary of their employees; [3] the decision of the Missouri state government to identify Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W as a former employee of the Missouri Department of Mental Health (MODMH) Fulton State Hospital (FSH) who has earned approximately (i) $19,189 (nineteen thousand one hundred and eighty-nine American dollars) in Calendar Year 2013; (ii) $2,322 (two thousand three hundred and twenty two American dollars) in Calendar Year 2014; [4] Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W as a Black man who (i) has never denied being employed for the MODMH (FSH) in Calendar Year 2013; (ii) has had his key questions on Title VII of the 1964 and 1991 Civil Rights Act filtered and distorted on Internet Search Engines (ISE) such as AOL, Bing/MSN and Yahoo; [5] the MODMH (FSH) as a state government agency, which refuses to deny that Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W (i) was on (or around) December 20th 2013 informed that he would receive a one-time lump sum payment for the work he did at the MODMH (FSH) upon the return of his government issued badge and uniform; (ii) returned his Missouri state government issued badge and uniform on December 20th 2013 and December 23rd 2013 (respectively) for the purpose of receiving the one-time lump sum payment that was promised to him on December 20th 2013; (iii) was not provided the one-time lump sum payment that was promised to him on December 23rd 2013 even though he had returned his Missouri state government issued badge and uniform; (iv) was very much displeased on (or around) December 23rd 2013 upon learning that he would not receive the one time lump sum payment he was promised even though he had returned his Missouri state government issued badge and uniform; (v) made numerous telephone calls between December 24th 2013 and December 30th 2013 to the MODMH (FSH) for the purpose of receiving the one-time lump sum payment that was owed to him; (vi) telephone calls to the MODMH (FSH) between December 24th 2013 and December 30th 2013 were either ignored or sent to voicemail; (vii) went to the MODMH (FSH) in person on (or around) December 30th 2013 for the purpose of demanding that he be paid the one time lump sum payment that was promised to him on (or around) December 30th 2013; (viii) was arrested for the first time in his life on (or around) December 30th 2013 for demanding that he be compensated with the one-time lump sum payment that was promised to him on December 20th 2013; (ix) was arrested for the first time in his life on (or around) December 30th 2013 for demanding that he provided with the entirety of his employment file at the MODMH (FSH)...