FOI #24-381 (08-7-24, 2:16 pm)

FOIA Request for UKG Pro Workforce Management and ADP Workforce Now

Name: Candace Eidson

Affiliation: The Tambellini Group

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 08/07/2024

Request Date End: 10/01/2024

Details: Pursuant to the state open records law Conn. Gen. Stat. Secs. 1-200 to 1-242, I write to request access to and a copy of the UKG Pro Workforce Management and ADP Workforce Now contract. If your agency does not maintain these public records, please let me know who does and include the proper custodian's name and address.

I am specifically requesting:
A complete copy of the contract awarded to the winning vendor, UKG Pro Workforce Management and ADP Workforce Now, including all exhibits and documents referenced in the contract including detailed pricing, discounts, and final price; proposal submitted; information from references used in the decision-making process, whether provided by the vendor or obtained by the procurement group; and a listing of the vendor’s representations concerning functionality and features of their offering.

The Tambellini Group is requesting documents representing the complete agreement between the parties which may include documents not specifically referenced by name.
To the extent vendors may claim that any of this information is confidential and exempt from disclosure, please send the uncontested information first. It is our belief that in accordance with the law, the public is entitled to know how public funds are spent, including information about how much has been spent, and for what; accordingly, both pricing and details of the offering are public information.
If these materials are available in electronic format, such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, or Adobe PDF files, I would prefer receiving them in that format via email.
All documents can be emailed/mailed to Candace Eidson at:
Mail: 317 Heritage Point Drive, Simpsonville, SC 29681

I agree to pay any reasonable copying and postage fees of not more than $50.00. If the cost would be greater than this amount, please notify me. Please provide a receipt indicating the charges for each document.
As provided by the open records law, I will expect your response within four (4) business days. See Conn. Gen. Stat. Sec. 1-206.
If you choose to deny this request, please provide a written explanation for the denial including a reference to the specific statutory exemption(s) upon which you rely. Also, please provide all segregable portions of otherwise exempt material.
I would note that willful violation of the open records law is a Class A misdemeanor. See Conn. Gen. Stat. Sec 1-240.
Thank you for your assistance.

Candace Eidson
