FOI #24-242 (05-13-24, 9:13 am)

Faculty Search #2020199

Name: Dan

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 10/28/2020

Request Date End: 05/11/2021

Details: I am filing this FOIA request regarding Faculty Search #2020199, which sought to hire an Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering with a start date of August 23, 2021. The following documents are requested:

1, Application materials, including resume, for all candidates chosen to be part of the pool.

2, The matrix sheet that ranks/scores all candidates in the pre-interview evaluation, including but not limited to their current positions, PhD institutions, PhD years, and notes/comments.

3, Any and all interview grids, including notes/comments/feedback.
