FOI #24-194 (04-26-24, 9:47 am)

Communications from President's Office regarding protest/encampment

Name: Daniel Ravizza

Affiliation: None Declared

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 04/20/2024

Request Date End: 04/26/2024

Details: Dear FOIA Officer:

I am requesting the following records under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act under Chapter 14 of the Connecticut General Statutes.

I seek access to:

Any and all electronic communication (including, but not limited to email, facsimiles, and text messages from official devices) from the Office of the President regarding student protests at the Storrs Campus for the period of April 20th, 2024 to April 26th 2024.

Search terms may included but not be limited to “protest”, “encampment”, “demonstration”, “Palestine”, “police”, “organizers”, “activists”

I prefer electronic distribution of the requested items. Any denial (in part or whole) should conform to Sec. 1-206 or subsections b) and c) of section 1-214. Failure to respond in the appropriate time period is considered a denial, and an appropriate appeal to the Connecticut FOIA Commission shall be filed should your agency not be responsive.

Thank you for your concern in this matter.
