FOI #24-125 (03-25-24, 11:38 am)

Brady/Giglio requests

Name: Joshua Eaton

Affiliation: Hearst Connecticut Media Group

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 01/01/2022

Request Date End: 03/25/2024

Details: I request a copy of all Brady and/or Giglio requests received by the UConn Police Department — along with all responses to these requests — from 01/01/2022 to the date your office performs a search for responsive records.

Please include all attachments and images. If only one communication in an email thread or chain is responsive to this request, please include the entire thread.

If UConn maintains a list, database or spreadsheet of Brady/Giglio requests and responses, I will accept that record in lieu of complete copies of those requests and responses.


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