FOI #24-057


Name: Lisa DiMascolo

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: To achieve our research objectives, we are requesting access to written alcohol and sexual violence policies at over 600 institutions between 2018-2023, including the University Of Connecticut. Our study team will keep the names of participating institutions confidential. They will only be available to members of the study team, and identifying institution information will not be shared in any reports or publications. We will use these policies to analyze trends and developments in the higher education approach to these important issues.

Could you please provide us with PDFs of the following policies and documents that our research team could not find?
• Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Related Interpersonal Violence from Jan 1st, 2018 - Dec 2018
• Procedures for Addressing Sexual Misconduct Involving a UConn Student Respondent prior to October 2021
To meet our deadlines, we would ask to receive these documents by Feb 26th. Please let us know if we can clarify any details about this request or if there are specific procedures we should follow to access this information.


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