FOI #24-032 (01-23-24, 3:28 pm)

Documentation regarding Respondus software

Name: Undergraduate Student

Affiliation: Undergraduate Student

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 01/01/2000

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the principles outlined in the Connecticut General Statutes, this request is for a copy of all applicable documentation regarding the relationship between the University of Connecticut (or the State of Connecticut at large) and usage of Respondus software products including "Lockdown Browser" and "Respondus Monitor" and-or its precursors from Respondus Inc., Test Bank Network, Studymate Learning, and other companies or any interconnected software or hardware products.

This includes contracts and agreements (express or implied), policies applicable to students, faculty, and administrators, and information regarding mandates, usage guidelines, training materials, and instructions.

As a current undergraduate student at the University of Connecticut, this request is made in good faith and proposed fees for the disclosure of this information should be waived. This information will contribute significantly to student and public understanding of this relationship and is not being sought for commercial purposes.
