FOI #23-530 (11-30-23, 10:31 am)

Detective Marc Hanna - Communication with United States Attorney's Office and FBI

Name: Jennifer Mellon

Affiliation: Office of the Federal Defender

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 01/01/2020

Request Date End: 11/30/2023

Details: Thank you in advance for your attention to this request. Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), I respectfully request the opportunity to personally inspect, as well as copies of, the documents listed below.

Please be advised that these documents are needed by January 1, 2024 as they are relevant to ongoing federal court proceedings and there are Court ordered deadlines in the matter.

This request includes:
• all communication between UCONN (including the UCONN police department, legal department, Public Records Administration and any other department) and the United States Attorney’s Office regarding disciplinary proceedings against UCONN Detective Marc Hanna;

• all communication between UCONN (including the UCONN police department, legal department, Public Records Administration and any other department) and the FBI (including FBI Special Agent Michael Morrison) regarding disciplinary proceedings against UCONN Detective Marc Hanna;

• all communication between UCONN (including the UCONN police department, legal department, Public Records Administration, and any other UCONN department) and the United States Attorney’s Office regarding the Federal Defender FOIA request dated October 25, 2023, seeking copies of the internal affairs and personnel files of Detective Marc Hanna; and

• all communication between UCONN (including the UCONN police department, legal department, Public Records Administration and any other department) and the FBI (including FBI Special Agent Michael Morrison) regarding the Federal Defender FOIA request dated October 25, 2023, seeking copies of the internal affairs and personnel files of Detective Marc Hanna,

We are requesting these records pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act and within the scope of our public defender duties on behalf of an indigent client.

The Connecticut Freedom of Information Act requires a response within four (4) business days. If access to the records that we are requesting will take longer, please contact me with information as to when we might expect copies of the requested records.

Due to the time sensitive nature of this request, we appreciate any efforts to expedite the process. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office at (203) 498-4200. Thank you for your time and attention to this request.


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