FOI #23-485 (10-26-23, 4:32 am)

Kate Noelle Holmes Very Possible Wiretap - Fulton State Hospital (FSH) Policy Rl.01.14 & Rl.01.15

Name: Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W

Affiliation: Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W ORCID:

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are records in your possession detailing your discussions about [1] the term “schadenfreude” being defined as a “feeling of pleasure or satisfaction when something bad happens to someone else;” [2] Kate Noelle Holmes as a woman, who (i) was born December 18th 1978 in Toledo, Ohio; (ii) became a global superstar after starring on various Television (T.V) series and movies; (iii) wed Thomas Cruise Mapother IV in a “Scientologist ceremony” on (or around) November 18th 2006; (iv) filed for divorce from Thomas Cruise Mapother IV on (or around) June 29th 2012; (vi) was the subject of a very peculiar article published by Hollywood Life on (or around) July 11th 2012 after her divorce; [3] Hollywood Life as a news outlet that has on (or around) July 11th 2012 (i) reported that Kate Noelle Holmes had been “under surveillance and observation” after she concluded her November 18th 2006 marriage; (ii) reported that the postal mail correspondence addressed to Kate Noelle Holmes “had to be sent to Thomas Cruise’s team to open first” before being hand-delivered to her for review; (iii) strongly implied that Kate Noelle Holmes was the subject of a wiretap by the Church of Scientology with the blessing/approval of her ex-husband Thomas Cruise Mapother IV; (iv) asked members of the general public to comment on whether Kate Noelle Holmes was leading a “weird life,” which was being “controlled” by her ex-husband Thomas Cruise Mapother IV; [4] Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W as a Black man, who (i) was in Calendar Year 2013 informed by staff/legal representatives of the Missouri Department of Mental Health (MODMH) that the postal mail correspondence of certain patients/prisoners were being screened by the Fulton State Hospital (FSH) before being hand-delivered to those patients; (ii) was on July 08th 2022 provided documents by the MODMH attesting that the FSH screens the postal mail correspondence of their patients/prisoners before hand-delivering it to them; (iii) feels that the questions asked in the July 11th 2022 Hollywood Life article pertaining to Kate Noelle Holmes were inappropriate because Kate Noelle Holmes never was a registered sex offender in a locked and confined environment operated by the U.S government; (iv) has on (or around) August 13th 2023 expressed displeasure after several of his publications on the Internet Archive were distorted to be labelled “missing, misleading and/or inaccurate” (particularly) on the MSN/Bing Internet Search Engine (ISE); (v) doesn’t know how his publications on the Internet Archive could be labelled “missing, misleading and/or inaccurate” since those publications depict content that were provided by the U.S government; (vi) has initiated contact with Scribd (via their email at ) on (or around) October 08th 2023 to express in writing his frustrations on the subject of his publications pertaining to Jean Seberg defamation and wiretap being distorted...
