FOI #23-441 (10-3-23, 12:39 pm)

Coventry Boathouse Upgrades Project

Name: Leslie Shor

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 10/03/2023

Request Date End: 10/03/2026

Details: 1. Any documents containing the worlds "Coventry Boathouse Upgrades Project".
2. Documents and emails containing keywords "boathouse" and "cost".
3. Plans (blue prints), or drawings, or renderings relevant to the Coventry Boathouse Upgrades Project including plans (blue prints), drawings, or renderings of the existing facility, or of the planned upgraded facility (building), or of the building site including driveways, other buildings, and parking lots prior to or after project completion.


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