FOI #23-377 (08-7-23, 1:39 pm)

I'd like to receive the policies and procedures that UConn follows when a student makes a claim that she/he has experienced a rape on campus

Name: Lorraine Gioco

Affiliation: self

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 08/07/2023

Request Date End: 08/07/2023

Details: I'd like to know:
1) UConn's statistics on numbers of rapes on campus in recent years,
2) what facilities exist on campus to support students who make rape claims,
3) what training staff at UConn undergo to support rape victims,
4) whether or not UConn staff complete a sexual assault evidence collection kit (SAK or rape kit) for rape victim and/or number of kits used each year,
5) finally, what emotional or victim support does UConn offer to its victims after a rape.


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