FOI #23-375 (08-6-23, 3:38 pm)

Archery Records

Name: Dan Broucek

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 08/06/1939

Request Date End: 08/06/1990

Details: I am told that a relative of mine named Emily Louise Kupferschmid who was a student at the University, set the school record in Archery, sometime around 1940-42. I am also told that her record stood for "about 40 years" and that her record was broken sometime in the 1980s.

Could you please confirm if this is factual? If not, would you please direct me to the person who could assist me further so that I have complete and total details of this presumed event.

Thank you for your attention to this request.
