Law School Bar Examination Preparation Course Bids and Contract Request
Name: Maxwell Weiss
Affiliation: Venable LLP
Location: UConn Regional Campus
Request Date Start: 01/01/2018
Request Date End: 05/02/2023
Details: 1. Any contract or agreement held by the University of Connecticut or the University of Connecticut School of Law with any organization for the provision of bar examination preparation coursework or instruction and other services or materials related to bar examination preparation; and
2. Any bids or proposals made by any organization for the purpose of providing bar examination preparation coursework or instruction and other services or materials related to bar examination preparation to students at the University of Connecticut School of Law. Please note that we could not find any relevant results in the University Procurement Services’ public database.
We would appreciate receiving the above information as soon as possible. If necessary, please produce the requested documents in a piecemeal fashion, and where possible, please produce these records electronically.
If it appears that the breadth of responsive documents will place an unreasonable burden on the University, please contact the undersigned to discuss additional narrowing factors.
Venable LLP
Attn: Maxwell H. Weiss
600 Massachusetts Avenue, NW,
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 202-344-4204
We agree to pay reasonable search and reproduction costs up to $500 relating to the release of this information. If the costs will exceed this amount, please contact the undersigned.
If you have any questions or require any additional information regarding this request, please contact me by phone or email. Thank you!