UConn Law Symposium on Parental Rights
Name: Ari Schaffer
Affiliation: Withheld.
Location: UConn Regional Campus
Request Date Start: 01/01/2023
Request Date End: Withheld.
Details: Any and all documents related to budgets and expenses for the March 31, 2023 symposium titled, “Are Parental Rights Always in the Best Interests of Children?”, including but not limited to costs and contracts for all advertising and mailing and email lists used in the advertising and promotion of the symposium.
Any and all email contacts with public officials about the for the March 31, 2023 symposium titled, “Are Parental Rights Always in the Best Interests of Children?”, including but not limited to contact between any member of the UConn faculty or administration with an “@uconn.edu” email address and any elected official, including but not limited to email addresses with a .gov domain such as the following domains: @ct.gov, @cga.ct.gov
Any and all email contacts between University of Connecticut faculty or administrators with an @uconn.edu email address and any political organizations about the CPILJ Symposium: Are Parental Rights Always in the Best Interest of Children? including but limited to email address with the following domains: @ctdems.org, @nedlamont.com, @ctcadv.org, @plannedparenthood.org, @aftct.org
Any and all email discussion by the deans of UConn or UConn law about the CPILJ Symposium: Are Parental Rights Always in the Best Interest of Children? including, but not limited to the following email addresses: lawdean@uconn.edu, paul.chill@uconn.edu, anne.dailey@uconn.edu, jessica.rubin@uconn.edu, karen.demeola@uconn.edu, radenka.maric@uconn.edu, anne.dalleva@uconn.edu, christopher.delello@uconn.edu, Kim.Fearney@uconn.edu, michael.gilbert@uconn.edu, tysen.kendig@uconn.edu; franklin.tuitt@uconn.edu; michelle.williams@uconn.edu