FOI #23-073 (02-20-23, 2:59 pm)

Public Records Request - University of Connecticut, CT

Name: Frank Patterson

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Regional Campus

Request Date Start: 02/20/2022

Request Date End: 02/20/2023

Details: I am contacting you in regard to a public records/information request.
I am looking for an up-to-date list of your current employees, full names, date of birth, age or year of birth, hire date, e-mail address, personal/home phone number(s), address, department/position, and salary, if possible, in digital format (excel preferred). I prefer to receive these documents via e-mail at

I am ONLY seeking public information that is clearly disclosable to me and not confidential by law, or otherwise protected, and exempted from disclosure under state law.

I understand there may be a cost associated with retrieving and copying these documents. Please provide me with an estimated list of fees if so and contact me if you have any questions or concerns about this request. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.


Frank Patterson
Academy Research Group
Phone: (405) 529-5687
