FOI #23-064 (02-13-23, 5:18 pm)

Audio and video footage

Name: Jason Punty

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 02/11/2023

Request Date End: 02/11/2023

Details: 2/11/23 between 2:30pm until 3:00PM. I want all audio and video footage from every camera that shows outdoor parking lots immediately outside the main building at Uconn medical Center. I also want all audio and video footage of sidewalks outside of the main building. All audio and video footage of walk ways running parallel and adjacent to the main building within 500 feet of main building front door. Audio and video footage of the front door, lobby and walk way going into Radiology as well as waiting room at mri check in


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