FOI #23-032 (01-19-23, 12:58 pm)

Job Description and Medical Accommodation History

Name: James Demetriades

Affiliation: Ferguson Doyle & Chester PC

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: Please provide a copy of the job description for the position of a sonographer at UConn Health Center.

Please provide information as to whether light duty has been offered to any sonographer at UConn Health from 01-01-2018 to the Present. Please state what the light duty accommodation was for this position that was provided in the past.

Please provide any nonprivileged, emails generated from Belnavis-Garvey,Debbie-Ann Email: to anyone from December 1, 2022 to the Present which mention the name "Gina Yacovone-Barrett; Gina; Ms. Barrett, or Ms. Yacovone-Barret."


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