FOI #23-013 (01-12-23, 10:02 pm)

Series of letters between Radenka Maric and Department of Administrative Services

Name: Student Student

Affiliation: UConn

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 11/01/2022

Request Date End: 11/30/2022

Details: "The Department of Administrative Services (DAS) has reviewed your letter dated November 22, 2022,
requesting a safety risk assessment pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Sections (C.G.S.) §§ 1-
210(b)(19) and 1-210(d).

Specifically, you asked DAS to review a FOIA request to the Division of Public Safety at the University
of Connecticut (“UConn”) for records detailing UConn Police Department’s “inventory of firearms,
ammunition, tasers, protective gear, handcuffs and pepper spray.”"

Full text of the Nov. 22, 2022 letter and any prior or subsequent letters concerning this topic. The full text of the Jan. 12, 2023 letter from DoAS to Maric was already provided to me by a previous request.


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