FOI #23-003 (01-6-23, 3:43 pm)

Men's and women's basketball

Name: Aaron Beard

Affiliation: Associated Press

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 07/01/2017

Request Date End: 12/31/2022

Details: Hello,
I'm writing to request the following records regarding the men's and women's basketball programs.

Specifically I'm seeking the following data from the 2017-18 season through the current 2022-23 season:

_ The names of all people working within those two programs, excluding the head coach and assistant coaches.
_ The salary for each employee for that season.

I'm seeking to have this information by Jan. 13. Please let me know if you have any questions about my request. I'm happy to receive the data electronically, including via Excel if that's an option.

Aaron Beard
Associated Press (Raleigh, NC)
