Name: James Garvey
Affiliation: VedderPrice
Location: UConn Storrs
Request Date Start: Withheld.
Request Date End: Withheld.
Details: Documents reflecting or detailing pricing for any Inclusive Access (IA) or equitable access models used for student course materials, such as First Day and First Day Complete, including but not limited to contractual agreements with a provider or store operator such as Barnes & Noble Education, Inc.;
a. For any equitable access or First Day Complete program, we request documents or records showing the price structure and the First Day Complete price for each student.
b. For any IA or First Day program, we request any records showing the IA pricing to enrolled students.
2. Documents reflecting a complete course materials adoption list, including but not limited to documents containing the following information for each course, preferably in a .csv format if such record format exists:
a. Term
b. Department;
c. Course name;
d. Section;
e. Publication titles;
f. Publication authors;
g. Publisher;
h. International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs) for each publication;
i. Indication if course adoption is an IA adoption;
j. Duration of digital adoption if IA materials;
k. IA price to student; and
l. If not part of an IA adoption, the new price of the publication