FOI #22-340 (09-22-22, 10:42 am)

list of grants at CAHN

Name: Alex Park

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 01/01/2012

Request Date End: 09/22/2022

Details: Any list(s), database(s), spreadsheet(s), table(s), or any other such records documenting all sources of external financing received by the University of Connecticut which were designated to benefit the following departments within the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources since January 1, 2012:

Agricultural & Resource Economics
Animal Science
Nutritional Sciences

As part of this request, I also request any accompanying information, including but not limited to amounts of the allocations, departments, associated faculty, associated dates, serial number, and purpose.

Additionally, I request any keys for acronyms or codes in the above-listed records.

I request these records in a spreadsheet format, such as .csv or .xls, if possible.


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