FOI #22-319

UCONN Gant Building Renovation

Name: Hope Redding

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: We are requesting certified payroll records submitted by the contractors listed below for work performed on the UCONN Gant Building Renovation project. I’ve attached an FOIA letter for your records. We can continue accepting the responsive records electronically. If you have questions or have trouble opening the attachment, please let me know.

• Ferguson Electric PHASE 1 for Wk ending 7.2.22 through to the present
• Ferguson Electric PHASE 2 for Wk ending 7.2.22 through to the present
• Southern New England Electrical Testing for Wk ending 7.17.22 through to the present
• Ferguson Mechanic PHASE 1 for Wk ending 7.2.22 through to the present
• Ferguson Mechanic PHASE 2 PLMB for Wk ending 7.2.22 through to the present
• Ferguson Mechanic PHASE 2 HVAC for Wk ending 7.2.22 through to the present
• Scholar Painting PHASE 1 for Wk ending 6.11.22 through to the present
• Scholar Painting PHASE 2 for Wk ending 6.11.22 through to the present


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