FOI #22-312 (09-1-22, 5:46 am)

Athletics Documents

Name: Kevin Cohen

Affiliation: Winthrop Intelligence, LLC

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: This is a request to obtain public records from University of Connecticut pursuant to applicable law, as well as the terms of a written contract that is in force between University of Connecticut and our company whereby our company provides the athletics department with a data and information service called Win AD (see I respectfully request your response be provided on a timely basis based on the applicable statutory requirements. If access to the records I am requesting will take longer than that time period, please contact me to advise when I should expect copies or the ability to inspect the requested records.
Part 1: Employment Contracts and Salaries
• Pursuant to applicable authority, I am writing to request copies of the current employment contract and salary (letter of intent, form agreement, or applicable document/record which shows annual compensation and start/end date of employment) for the athletic department staff listed below. If an employee does not have a formal written agreement, please provide their current salary.
1. Alana Butler
2. Allyson Zoppa
3. Amanda Hughes
4. Andrea Hudy
5. Anna LaBonte
6. Annie Fiorvanti
7. Audrey Kelley
8. Beth Alford-Sullivan
9. Bill Peterson
10. Brenna Sarantides
11. Cameron Omsberg
12. Carey O'Brien
13. Casey Handrahan
14. Cat Zuppani
15. Cheri Schulz
16. Chris Gbandi
17. Chris Iacampo
18. Chris Jones
19. Chris Jones
20. Chris MacKenzie
21. Chris Maiello
22. Chris Stasaitis
23. Chrissy Davidson
24. Christie Novatin
25. Christopher Mead
26. Conner Leonard
27. Connor Donnelly
28. Courtney Hofer
29. Craig Cugno
30. Dan Glinski
31. Dave Pezzino
32. David Benedict
33. Dawn Shadron
34. Dominic Godi
35. Dr. Deena Casiero
36. Elizabeth Wulf
37. Ellen Kimball
38. Ellen Tripp
39. Emily Quigley
40. Eric Schneider
41. Erica Jane Ferguson
42. Evan Feinglass
43. Glenn Marshall
44. Hannah Younger
45. Hayley Masi
46. Ingrid Hohmann
47. Jake Krul
48. Jamie Moran
49. Jeff Hourigan
50. Jennifer Sanford-Wendry
51. Jessica Chrabaszcz
52. Jill Sikes
53. Jim Donohue
54. Jim Penders
55. Joe Ferriss
56. Joel Derechinsky
57. Joshua MacDonald
58. Katie Frederick
59. Katie Woods
60. Kelly Lewis
61. Kevin Crompton
62. Kevin Freeman
63. Kevin Zuchorski
64. Kiley Anderson
65. Kim Silva
66. Kristen Hargis
67. Kyle Kravchuk
68. Laura Valentino
69. Lauren Robinson
70. Mackenzie Rivers
71. Maddie Arndt
72. Mamadou Diarra
73. Manny Hatzikostas
74. Margaret Rodriguez
75. Matt Haskell
76. Maureen O'Connor
77. Megan Hastillo
78. Melissa Wielandt
79. Michael Oblinger
80. Michael Pereira
81. Mike Cavanaugh
82. Moe Butler
83. Nate Patrylak
84. Neal Eskin
85. Paul Caddy
86. Peter Netisingha
87. Phil Chardis
88. Rachel Howard
89. Rachel Signor
90. Rich Miller
91. Riley Fitzgerald
92. Ryan Fahey
93. Sarah Williams
94. Selwyn Maxwell Jr
95. Ted Woodward
96. Tori Untiet
97. Tyler Helton
98. Will Aloia
If the requested records described above are available in electronic format (e.g., PDFs or CD), then I would prefe
