FOI #22-266 (07-25-22, 8:41 am)

UConn Trustee Organizations (Storrs & Regional) Payment of Staff Wages and/or Fringe

Name: Student Student

Affiliation: Nutmeg Publishing

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 07/01/2017

Request Date End: 07/25/2022

Details: Please provide any/all staff email correspondence related to the staffing MOU.

Provide any and all email correspondence and documentation/evidence to answer the following:

There was mention of DSA’s budget and Nutmeg was emailed saying this change is because,

“budgets are being cut across the University (not in Trustee groups) because of pandemic losses”

How do the University’s and DSA’s budget issues apply to the mission of the Trustee Orgs to serve their constituents when specifically we were told our fees from the student body were not a part of these “cuts”?

The information emailed prior to last week’s meeting shows that DSA has already realized a savings of about $150K for wages and benefits for TSOS financial staff. Please provide updated savings projection with the new resignation of Michelle Morse.

It appears that the money entrusted to the Trustee Orgs is being used to address budget deficiencies elsewhere. In light of this, help us understand why the trustee orgs are responsible for budgets outside of our mission and authority.

In an email to Nutmeg, it was stated that Joe Briody made the decision to move expenses previously covered by DSA entirely to the Trustee orgs due to the rise in staff wages and benefits. Who else was aware and/or approved this decision? Vice President Gilbert? David Clokey and SASFAC? President Maric? The Board of Trustees? Office of the State Comptroller? Please provide documentation of all communications and/or approvals.

Provide approved MOU's for the payment of Staff Wages and/or Fringe from organizations for FY22. Please provide latest drafts of same MOU's for those that have not yet approved.

Cite the provision in the State Comptroller’s manual that exempts the required payment for non-student wages and benefits being demanded by DSA.

There are many Trustee Organizations in the UConn system and across the state. Please list them and indicate what others, if any, are forced to pay for their mandated staff oversight.

Regarding “consent of both parties” in the proposed MOU, what happens if the Trustee Orgs don’t provide consent?

From the draft MOU to Nutmeg:

“To provide the ‘TRUSTEE ORG.’ with financial support necessary to conduct organization business, including but not limited to executing purchases, managing bookkeeping records, and facilitating biweekly payroll”

Is DSA saying that if the Trustee Groups do not sign the MOU and pay, the organizations will not be allowed to conduct organization business required to carry out their missions?
