FOI #22-244 (07-1-22, 9:01 pm)

Basketball Travel

Name: Lukas Illa

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: Hello,

 I am writing to file a request for all records related to the arrangement of air transportation for the University of Connecticut’s basketball team on iAero Airways’ (previously known as Swift Air) flight N418US from Bradley International Airport to Houston’s William P. Hobby Airport on January 22, 2020, as detailed here:

 Specifically, I am interested in copies of all emails, invoices, or written communications between University of Connecticut employees in charge of arranging travel and the travel agent/broker (if one was used) or iAero/Swift itself (if no travel agent was used) regarding this flight. Please send these records to me electronically at this address.

 Thank you.
