Public Records Request- UCHC4-130591121-EPIC and Clinical Systems Temporary IT Support
Name: Abhilash Mishra
Location: UConn Health
Request Date Start: 05/03/2022
Request Date End: 05/04/2022
Details: We have a request for public records from The University of Connecticut Health Center, CT.
We are contacting you regarding the bid number- UCHC4-130591121, RFP EPIC and Clinical Systems Temporary IT Support for The University of Connecticut Health Center, CT. .
We were wondering if you could please share the following documents with us:
• The Response Proposal submitted by winning vendor(s) (Including Cost Proposal).
• Bid Tabulation and Bid Scoring Sheet.
• What is the annual monetary spent value under this contract.
We believe this bid was due on March 30th 2020.
It would be great if you could please share these documents with us.
We prefer to receive the soft copy version of the documents.
Thank you!