FOI #22-094

Sexual Assault Surveys

Name: Student Student

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: I am writing today to request the content and results of all surveys that the University has conducted about or relating to sexual assault since January 1, 2016. In particular, I am requesting the questions and results of the following:
1. Any survey or questionnaire taken by UConn students that contains any of the questions: “Since starting at this university, have you been sexually assaulted while you were (a) on campus; (b) off campus at an event or program connected with this university, including study abroad and internships; or (c) at a social activity or party near campus such as at an apartment, restaurant, or bar?”; “Who attempted to sexually assault you?”; “Have you received information or education from this university about how to report an incident of sexual assault?”; or any substantially similar question.
2. Any survey or questionnaire taken by UConn students that asks students about the “general climate” at UConn, asks for students’ views about the University’s “response to difficult or dangerous scenarios,” or contains questions about the prevalence of, perception of, or responses to rape, sexual assault, or sexual violence at UConn.
3. Any survey or questionnaire conducted pursuant to requirements set out in Section 10a-55m of the Connecticut General Statues, or any predecessor to that statute.
4. Any Campus Climate Survey.
5. Any survey or questionnaire designed to give the administration information similar to the information gleaned from the Campus Climate Survey that was administered in 2015.
Nothing in this request should omit any survey or questionnaire taken by both students and staff. The results of any such survey or questionnaire should be broken down by demographics, including race, sex, gender, status (as an undergraduate, graduate, faculty, or staff), to the extend that the information is available by the University.
