FOI #22-091

expenditure information

Name: Kristi Upton

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Regional Campus

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, we formally request that following the close of your current fiscal year your office provide us with public spending information, including both capital and operating expenditures for payments made by or on behalf of The University of Connecticut System during fiscal year 2021 for the following University of Connecticut campuses: Storrs, Hartford, and Avery Point, as well as the University of Connecticut Health Center. Specifically, sortable by campus as noted in the “Division SL” column, for any payee, other than a regular employee or student, paid a cumulative total amount of more than $5,000, we seek the payee name, address, and the cumulative total dollar amount paid to the subject payee over the relevant time period. The $5,000 threshold was established to minimize reporting for respondents. If a data sort of this type is not practical, please provide the requested information for all non-employee payees.
