FOI #22-052 (01-30-22, 5:03 pm)

Fall 2021/Spring 2022 UConn Dining 2 week student employee retention rate

Name: Student Student

Affiliation: Daily Campus

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 08/01/2021

Request Date End: 01/30/2022

Details: I wish to access the 2 week retention rate of student employees at each dining hall and cafe on campus including but not limited to McMahon, South, Buckley, North, Northwest, Putnam, Gelfenbien Commons (Towers), and Whitney dining halls as well as The Beanery, Bookworms, Up and Atom, Crossroads, and Union Street Market. I would like the 2 week student employee retention rate for these dining halls and cafes for the months of September, October, November, and December.
