FOI #22-007 (01-4-22, 7:20 pm)

Title IX lawsuit settlement

Name: Rachel Axon

Affiliation: USA TODAY

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 12/28/2021

Request Date End: 01/04/2022

Details: Pursuant to local public records laws, I would like to obtain any and all public records of the following:

-- Copy of the settlemtn in U.S. District Court case no. 3:21cv583, Lazor et al v. University of Connecticut, which UConn recently settled.

Please provide these records within the time allotted by relevant open records law, provide an explanation of when the records will be provided or a statement of the statutory exception authorizing the withholding of all or parts of these records. Please include the name and title of the person responsible for the denial.

If there will be a charge for these records of more than $25, please notify me in advance. Electronic copies are preferred and can be sent to

Thank you in advance for your cooperation; I look forward to your quick response.

Rachel Axon
Investigative reporter
P.O. Box 140942
Gainesville, FL 32614
Cell: 352.553.7401


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