FOI #21-381

Jeanne Ann Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act

Name: Michael Ayele

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: (1) your communications about Jeanne Ann Clery as a Caucasian woman, who was born in the State of Pennsylvania on November 23rd 1966;
(2) your communications about Jeanne Ann Clery as an undergraduate student, who was raped and murdered on April 05th 1986 on the campus of Lehigh University;
(3) your communications about Jeanne Ann Clery as a Caucasian woman very little is known about;
(4) your communications about Jeanne Ann Clery as a Caucasian woman whose name is published on the annual security reports (ASR) of colleges and universities throughout the United States of America (U.S.A);
(5) your communications about the decision of several colleges/universities (throughout the U.S.A) to mention the rape and murder of Jeanne Ann Clery on their ASR;
(6) your communications about the decision of colleges/universities (throughout the U.S.A) to omit from their ASR any mention of former U.S President Donald Trump 1988 visit to Lehigh University;
(7) your communications about the decision of colleges/universities (throughout the U.S.A) to omit from their ASR any mention of Donald Trump being awarded an honorary degree by Lehigh University in 1988;
(8) your communications about the decision of colleges/universities (throughout the U.S.A) to omit from their ASR any mention of Donald Trump 1988 visit to Lehigh University by putting the event in historical context and perspective;
(9) your communications about the decision of colleges/universities (throughout the U.S.A) to omit from their ASR any mention that Donald Trump was extended an invitation to Lehigh University two-years following the rape and murder of Jeanne Ann Clery on April 05th 1986;
(10) your communications about the decision of colleges/universities (throughout the U.S.A) to omit from their ASR any mention of Donald Trump sexual misconducts at the time of Lehigh University invitation for him to speak at the graduation ceremony class of 1988;
(11) your communications about the decision of colleges/universities (throughout the U.S.A) to omit from their ASR any mention of Donald Trump being charged by the Department of Justice (DOJ) for maliciously excluding Blacks/African Americans as customers of his New York residential properties that were for rent;
(12) your communications about the decision of colleges/universities (throughout the U.S.A) to omit from their ASR any mention of Donald Trump loud advocacy in favor of the death penalty following the invitation that was extended to him by Lehigh University in 1988;
(13) your communications about colleges/universities (throughout the U.S.A) failing to hold themselves to account;
(14) your communications about colleges/universities (throughout the U.S.A) failing to acknowledge their own participation in the rise of Donald Trump to the presidency of the U.S.A;
