FOI #21-279

Request for Records From University of Connecticut School of Law

Name: Eric Kay

Affiliation: Kozyak Tropin & Throckmorton

Location: UConn Regional Campus

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: I request access to inspect and/or copy records demonstrating the below requested information relating to students enrolled in the JD program at University of Connecticut School of Law (“UConn Law”) during the academic year of 2019-2020. This includes all students in the first-year, second-year, and third-year classes counted toward the total number of 467 students reported on UConn Law’s fall 2020 ABA 509 disclosure under “Grants and Scholarships 2019-2020.” (Your institution reported 467 students in the JD program for that academic year in that section of that disclosure.)
1. The total number of students enrolled in the JD program during academic year 2019-2020 who either served in the United States military at any point before entering the JD program or who were serving in the United States military while enrolled in the JD program.*
2. From the universe of students identified in request 1 above, the number that received a grant and/or scholarship that was reported under “Grants and Scholarships 2019-2020” in the fall 2020 ABA 509 disclosure.
3. From the universe of students identified in request 1 above, the number that received a grant and/or scholarship for less than half tuition.
4. From the universe of students identified in request 1 above, the number that received a grant and/or scholarship for half to full tuition.
5. From the universe of students identified in request 1 above, the number that received a grant and/or scholarship for full tuition.
6. From the universe of students identified in request 1 above, the number that received a grant and/or scholarship for more than full tuition.
