FOI #21-147 (04-23-21, 10:40 am)

Main Campus Parking Replacements Project #300023

Name: Paul Fitzgerald

Affiliation: Michelson, Kane, Royster & Barger, PC (law firm)

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 01/01/2018

Request Date End: 04/30/2021

Details: This office represents All Seasons Landscaping, Inc. in connection with the above-referenced project. Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, Connecticut General Statutes § 1-7 et. seq., we hereby request an opportunity to inspect and copy the following documents relating to the project:

1. All correspondence (including e-mails) between the University of Connecticut (“UCONN”) and C.J. Fucci, Inc. (“Fucci”) concerning the Project.

2. All correspondence (including e-mails) between the University of Connecticut personnel (“UCONN”) concerning the Project.

3. All correspondence (including e-mails) between UCONN and Stantec concerning the Project.

4. All correspondence (including e-mails) between Fucci and Stantec concerning the Project.

5. The prequalification package submitted by Fucci on the Project.

6. A list of the small business enterprise (“SBE”) contractors utilized by Fucci on the Project.

7. All time and material submittals

8. All product submittals from Fucci for the Project.

9. All construction schedules issued in connection with the Project.

10. All change orders submitted by Fucci on the Project.

11. Per Section 01-1000 of the Project specifications:

(a) Environmental permits and requirements (Page 0131004, Par. 1.5, Item 4);

(b) Submitted Erosion and Sedimentation Plan (Page 0150004, Par. 1.4, Item C); and

(c) Submitted Written or Graphic Environmental Protection Plan (Page 0157192, Par. 1.3, Item A).
