Outstanding & Stale Dated Checks
Name: Mark Warren
Affiliation: EY Unclaimed Property Services, LLC
Location: UConn Storrs
Request Date Start: 01/01/2010
Request Date End: 12/09/2020
Details: Pursuant to the Connecticut Public Records Act, which grants access to copies of public records, EY Unclaimed Property Services, LLC (“EYUPS”) respectfully requests copies of financial records pertaining to uncashed checks, warrants or vouchers issued by the University of Connecticut and/or any of its sub-agencies, departments, offices, or other authorized authorities. Such payments shall currently remain in an outstanding/uncashed status as of today, still payable to the payee, and be at least four (4) months old.
Please provide the following details, if available:
• Dollar amount
• Name of payee/recipient due the funds
• Address of the payee/recipient due the funds
• Date associated with the obligation (i.e., check issue date)
• Check identification number
• Name of originating agency/department