Trauma Informed Materials
Name: Alex Morey
Affiliation: Foundation for Individual Rights in Education
Location: UConn Storrs
Request Date Start: 01/01/2019
Request Date End: 11/12/2020
Details: This is a request for records pursuant to Connecticut Freedom of Information Act (Conn. Gen. Stat. §1-200 et seq.).
I request the following records:
1. Any emails, memos, or letters or attachments thereto sent between the University of Connecticut Office of Institutional Equity, or the University of Connecticut administration (including any of its officers, staff members, directors, or other employees) and any faculty or staff members related to any “trauma informed” or “trauma-informed” training programs or materials from January 1, 2019 to the present.
2. Any records held by the University of Connecticut Office of Institutional Equity, or the University of Connecticut administration, and units thereunder (including PowerPoint presentations, guidebooks, or any other documents or files both digital and physical) containing the words/phrase “trauma informed” or “trauma-informed” distributed to faculty or staff members by the University of Connecticut Office of Institutional Equity or the University of Connecticut administration (including any of its officers, staff members, directors, or other employees) between January 1, 2019 and the present.