FOI #20-173 (06-3-20, 10:47 am)

FOIA Request for Proposal Procurement KK011020 Resilient Connecticut, Planning, Design, AE Services

Name: Wayne Cobleigh

Affiliation: GZA

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 06/03/2020

Request Date End: 06/13/2020

Details: Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, this Proposal was issued by email on March 18, 2020 from GZA to Kathleen Kearney, University Procurement Services per RFQ Addendum instructions. The digital format of the proposal qualifications and scope of work information requested by UCONN was limited in font style, font size, page length and file format and an unusual numbering of table of contents, increasing the time and effort required to submit a compliant proposal during the pandemic remote working conditions. Two teams scored higher than GZA and no virtual interview was completed for any of the top 3 firms. We would like to review the contents of the top 2 scored proposals to determine why the optional interview was deemed unnecessary and the basis for scoring for the the #1 ranked team higher than GZA. As we are still working remotely during the pandemic, this FOIA request for existing digital records is made for the following proposal files for the #1 and #2 ranked teams to be emailed to in PDF format:
8.5.1 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS Exhibit 1: Narrative Description of Services (pdf) Exhibit 2: Organization Structure (pdf)
Exhibit 2a: Team Resumes (pdf -Provided as Separate File, or as Section Exhibit 3: Cost Estimating Experience (pdf) Exhibit 4: Professional Hourly Rates for roles detailed (pdf)
