uconn health faculty
Name: Faculty Faculty
Affiliation: uconn health center
Location: UConn Health
Request Date Start: 05/18/2020
Request Date End: 05/31/2020
Details: i am looking a list of all "paid faculty" that work at uchc for the past 5 years. as in a year by year presentation in an excel spreadsheet. i would like the "paid faculty" members:
1) name
2) tenure status (tenured, tenure track, in resident)
3) total percent effort
4) annual salary
5) fringe rate
rank: instructor, assistant professor, associate professor etc
6) classification: medical school: 1. Investigator 2. Clinician-Investigator 3. Clinician-Scholar 4. Medical Educator 5. Medical Researcher 6. Clinical Xology 7. Community Faculty;
7) classification dental school: Dentist-Scientist and Research Scientist ; Clinician-Scholars: ; Leadership