FOI #20-139 (05-4-20, 12:13 pm)

Connecticut Freedom of Information Act

Name: Justin Knapp

Affiliation: Meadowbrook Gardens

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 08/01/2019

Request Date End: 08/31/2020

Details: Good Morning ,

This is a request under Connecticut Freedom of Information Act
for public record, the common law of the State of Connecticut and any statue providing for public
access to government information.

The undersigned hereby requests the right to inspect and make a copy of the
following information which you have on all students currently registered
at your state university, but limited as to each student to the following
information only:

1. Name;
2. Home Mailing Address;
3. Campus Mailing Address;
4. E-mail Address;
5. Campus Telephone Number;
6. Permanent Home Address;
7. Permanent Home Telephone Number;
8. Parent/Legal Guardian Names;
9. Parent/Legal Guardian Telephone Numbers;
10. Parent/Legal Guardian Email Addresses;
