Thousand Talents Program
Name: Richard Goldstein
Affiliation: Withheld.
Location: UConn Storrs
Request Date Start: Withheld.
Request Date End: Withheld.
Details: All public records or files concerning, identifying, or relating to any person who had a full-time, part-time, joint, or adjunct University faculty appointment and who applied for, or was accepted in a Chinese Thousand Talents Program ("TTP")
Including, but not limited to, records or files:
a. Identifying University faculty who applied for or were accepted into a TTP;
b. Relating to or constituting an application by or acceptance of a University faculty into a TTP;
c. Relating to or constituting communications about a TTP between: (a) the University (including but not limited to any University employee in any of the following offices; OVPR, Dean, Department Head, Labor Relations); and (b) a TTP or with any person in the Chinese government or with any Chinese scientific or academic institution in China; or
d. Identifying any present of former members of the University faculty who are believed to have failed to have made full or timely disclosure to the University or to the US Government of an application to or acceptance into a TTP.