IACUC documents
Name: Catharine Krebs
Affiliation: Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Location: UConn Storrs
Request Date Start: 01/01/2015
Request Date End: 11/19/2019
Details: To whom it may concern:
The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) C.G.S. § 1-200, requests copies of the following:
Period: January 1, 2015 - present
1. For the University of Connecticut, all Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) protocols (approved or reviewed), documents, and communications involving cephalopods, squid, cuttlefish, or octopus.
2. All IACUC documents and communications related to the NSF-funded project IOS-1557914 titled “Characterizing the Role of a Bacterial Consortium in a Host Reproductive Organ”
For the purposes of this request, "communications" shall include, without limitation, e-mails and other electronic communications, letters, faxes, meeting agendas, minutes, notes, summaries of conversations, and any other form of written or recorded communication.