FOI #19-225

RFP# JL102317

Name: Karen Hartley

Affiliation: T2 Systems, Inc

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: In an effort to better understand our submittal, we are requesting the following information from the evaluation of the proposals and subsequent award from the above-referenced RFP:

1. Could you tell us the primary factor why the RFP was awarded to NuPark (PassPort)
2. Did NuPark (PassPort) propose any exceptions to the bid specifications?
3. Please provide RFP submissions from all vendors except T2, (including correspondence submitted subsequent to the initial RFP response and best and final offers (if applicable).
4. Electronic copies of the evaluation & all scoring sheets.
5. Electronic copy of the final contract.
Your help and information is very important to us and we appreciate your time in responding. We are willing to pay all fees required to obtain the above electronic documents. Please email me at with the full amount owed for electronic copies. We will promptly return a check to expedite the process.
