CCEI and Innovation Places Hartford/East Hartford' (IP-H/EH) Program
Name: Supriyo Chatterjee
Affiliation: Withheld.
Location: UConn Storrs
Request Date Start: Withheld.
Request Date End: Withheld.
Details: A. Connecticut Public Act No. 16-3 Section 7 states a 'public comment' period for the 'Innovation Places Hartford/East Hartford' (IP-H/EH) program:
Where were the invitations to this ‘public comment’ period advertised? What was the duration of this public comment period? How many ‘public comment’ statements were received? Were the ‘public comment’ statements included in the IP-H/EH Program Plan? If so, when was this released to the public? If not, can these ‘public comment’ statements be made available?
B. What are the compositions of the IP-H/EH Governing board and various committees and how were they appointed? What is the legal entity that was composed for the IP-H/EH InsurTech initiative? What are the meeting schedule of the board and various committees? Can copies of the meeting minutes be made available? Can these meetings be open to the public? If not – why not?
C. For 'Innovation Places Hartford/East Hartford' (IP-H/EH) InsurTech Initiative for Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3 (three years):
1). What are the compositions of the IP-H/EH InsurTech committees and how were they appointed? What is the legal entity that was composed for the IP-H/EH InsurTech initiative? What is the meeting schedule of these committees? Can copies of the meeting minutes be made available? Can these meetings be open to the public? If not – why not?
2). Can copies of the IP-H/EH InsurTech Quarterly reports for the Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3 (three years) be made available to the public without filing FOIA requests?
3). Can copies of the IP-H/EH InsurTech master services agreement, intellectual property policy, participation criteria, and fee schedule for participating startups in this InsurTech initiative be made available to the public?
4). For the three years - Can copies of the RFP Bid notices for the IP-H/EH InsurTech accelerator showing the selection criteria, bid amounts expected, program duration, accelerator syllabus & other related content be made available? For the three years - how were the RFP Bids promoted? What were the media advertising, social media announcements, schedule and duration of RFP notices and responses?
5). As per Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies Title 4A Sec. 4a-5-5 Submission of Bids -
"All bids will be opened and read publicly and thereafter are subject to public inspection during normal business hours of the Bureau of Purchases. Bidders may be present or be represented at all openings." For the three years of the IP-H/EH InsurTech initiative - Can copies of all the RFP bid responses and the signed contracts be made available?