FOI #19-180

Various Dept Correspondence and Records

Name: Claire Howard


Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 11/01/2017

Request Date End: 06/21/2019

Details: This letter is a formal request, pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, Connecticut General Statutes§§ 1-200, et seq., that the University of Connecticut provide any and all documents or information, whether in electronic or hard-copy format, regarding the following :
1. All documents, including, but not limited to, meeting minutes, memos, notes, statements, e-mails, text messages or other correspondence sent to and/or received by Michael Gilbert, Elly Daugherty, Christopher Delello, Dorrin Exford, Celeste Barros, Elizabeth Conklin, Kevin O'Connell, Kimberly Hill, Alessia Satterfield, Emerson Loisel, Ashley Vrabely, Kimberly Colon, Britni Henze, Jane Benoit-Bean, John Volin, and Jennifer Brodie, referring to or mentioning Catherine Cocks, from November 1, 2017 through the date of this letter.
2. All documents, including, but not limited to, meeting minutes, memos, notes, statements, e-mails, text messages or other correspondence sent to and/or received by the Human Resources Department referring to or mentioning Catherine Cocks, from November 1, 2017 through the date of this letter.
3. Any and all contracts with Dorrin Exford and/or Performance Consulting from 2013 through the date of this letter.
4. Any and all purchase orders or purchase requisitions for Dorrin Exford and/or Performance Consulting, whether in electronic or hard-copy format.
5. Any and all contracts with Celeste Barros from 2013 through the date of this letter.
6. Any and all purchase orders or purchase requisitions for Celeste Barros, whether in electronic or hard-copy format.
7. All documents, including , but not limited to, meeting minutes, memos, notes, statements, e-mails, text messages or other correspondence sent to and/or received by Michael Gilbert, Elly Daugherty, Christopher Delello, Dorrin Exford, Celeste Barros, Elizabeth Conklin, Kevin O'Connell, Kimberly Hill, Alessia Satterfield, Emerson Loisel, Ashley Vrabely, Kimberly Colon, Britni Henze, JaneBenoit-Bean, John Volin and Jennifer Brodie, referring to or mentioning Michael Gilbert, from November 1, 2017 through the date of this letter.
8. All electronic communications sent to or received by Michael Gilbert, Elly Daugherty, Christopher Delello, Dorrin Exford, Celeste Barros, Elizabeth Conklin, Kevin O'Connell, Kimberly Hill, Alessia Satterfield, Emerson Loisel, Ashley Vrabely, Kimberly Colon, Britni Henze, Jane Benoit-Bean, John Volin, and Jennifer Brodie, referring to or mentioning the 360 evaluation, from November 1, 2017 through the date of this letter.
9. All text message communications between Elly Daugherty and Rachel Rubin referring to or mentioning Catherine Cocks, from August 1, 2017 through the date of this letter.
10. AII documents, including, but not limited to, meeting minutes, logs, memos,notes, statements, e-mails, text messages or other correspondence sent to and/or received by Elly Daughtry, Catherine Cocks, Kim Fearney, Elizabeth Conklin, and Rachel Rubin...
