Disciplinary Hearings
Name: Kenny Jacoby
Affiliation: Reporter
Location: UConn Storrs
Request Date Start: 01/01/2014
Request Date End: 05/08/2019
Details: Please consider this a public records request for records of the "final results" of all disciplinary hearings conducted by your institution into any student since January 1, 2014, in which it was determined that the student is either "an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence," including forcible sex offenses, or "an alleged perpetrator of a nonforcible sex offense," and with respect to the allegation made against him or her, the student has committed a violation of your institution's rules or policies. The "final results" should include only:
- The name of the student
- The violation committed, meaning the institutional rules or code sections that were violated and any essential findings supporting the institution's conclusion that the violation was committed; and
- Any sanction imposed by your institution against the student, meaning a description of the disciplinary action taken by the institution, the date of its imposition, and its duration.