
FOI #20-150 (05-18-20, 7:12 pm)

uconn health faculty

Name: Faculty Faculty

Affiliation: uconn health center

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 05/18/2020

Request Date End: 05/31/2020

Details: i am looking a list of all "paid faculty" that work at uchc for the past 5 years. as in a year by year presentation in an excel spreadsheet. i would like the "paid faculty" members:
1) name
2) tenure status (tenured, tenure track, in resident)
3) total percent effort
4) annual salary
5) fringe rate
rank: instructor, assistant professor, associate professor etc
6) classification: medical school: 1. Investigator 2. Clinician-Investigator 3. Clinician-Scholar 4. Medical Educator 5. Medical Researcher 6. Clinical Xology 7. Community Faculty;
7) classification dental school: Dentist-Scientist and Research Scientist ; Clinician-Scholars: ; Leadership


FOI #20-147


Name: Adam Rose

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: Copies of the Master Affiliation Agreement, Clinical Services Agreement, Donation Agreement, Educational Agreement, Community Grant Agreement, Certificate of Need application materials, and any other documents that UConn may possess related to any previous discussions regarding the transfer of the Burgdorf clinic.




FOI #20-142


Name: Magnolia Martínez

Affiliation: Special Projects Manager, Laboratory Investigations - PETA

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: 1) Any and all experiments that as of the present date have been suspended and/or ended in accordance with the University of Connecticut’s response to COVID-19 (also known as coronavirus disease, 2019 novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, and/or 2019-nCoV acute respiratory disease), such that they may be – but are not necessarily limited to being – categorized as extraneous, non-critical, non-essential, ramped down, disposable, unnecessary, non-priority and/or other similar terminologies;
2) The number and species of any and all animals who are in experiments at the University of Connecticut covered by item number 1 above;
3) The number and species of any and all animals who are themselves categorized by the University of Connecticut as extraneous, non-critical, non-essential, ramped down, disposable, unnecessary, non-priority, cull, sacrifice, and/or other similar terminologies;
4) The endpoint disposition (to include—but not be limited to—euthanasia, cull, sacrifice, kill, destroy, dispose and/or reduction in cage census) of any and all animals used in experiments at the University of Connecticut covered by item number 1 above;
5) The endpoint disposition (to include—but not be limited to—euthanasia, cull, sacrifice, kill, destroy, dispose and/or reduction in cage census) of any and all animals at the University of Connecticut who are themselves covered by item number 3 above;
6) Funds used to conduct experiments at the University of Connecticut covered by item number 1 above, to include—but not be limited to—the purchase, breeding, housing, feeding, maintaining, and/or veterinary care of any and all animals used in said experiments, and/or the paying of salaries and/or wages of personnel who attended to any and all animals used in said experiments; and,
7) Funds used to purchase, breed, house, feed, maintain, provide veterinary care for, and/or pay salaries and/or wages of personnel who attended to any and all animals at the University of Connecticut covered by item number 3 above.


FOI #20-130

RFP UCHC4-116949948

Name: John McGarty

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: RFP (RFP UCHC4-116949948 Patient Financial Statement Services ) awarded to RevSpring earlier this year.I wanted to ask what the winning bidder’s pricing was.


FOI #20-117


Name: Russ Kick

Affiliation: IACUC

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 02/01/2020

Request Date End: 04/06/2020

Details: This is a request under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act.

We hereby request all forms and other notifications that animals have been euthanized since February 1, 2020. This would include, but not be limited to, adverse event forms, disposition forms, and ad hoc forms. There may also be notifications to or from the attending veterinarian about these euthanizations.

This request includes activities at all facilities, including satellite and offsite facilities including UConn Health


FOI #20-096 (03-10-20, 10:54 am)

Video footage that shows the left side of the unit as you enter. Time frame that is being requested is from 07:00 thru 09:15

Name: Gregory Bonds

Affiliation: Connecticut Department of Corrections Medicalsurg-5 unit

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 02/24/2020

Request Date End: 02/24/2020

Details: Requester is looking to get the area that will show the left side of the unit as you enter the unit from the hallway. The room numbers start 38 and go up on the interested side.

DVD copy would be excellent if possible. interested date is 02/24/2020, time frame 07:00 - 09:15 am.


FOI #20-095


Name: Sal Venegas

Affiliation: Storbeck/Pimentel & Associates, Inc.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act.
I request that a copy of the following documents (or documents containing the following information) be provided to me:

• Any complaints and reprimands filed against University Professor
• Any documentation regarding any votes of no confidence, both successful and unsuccessful, made against University Professor.
• Any reports of violations of university policy made by University Professor.


FOI #20-077 (02-27-20, 11:55 pm)

Applicant Numbers


Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 01/01/2014

Request Date End: 12/31/2019

Details: I am requesting access to numbers of applicants accepted to the School of Medicine's Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) program in the years listed below, who were previously officially enrolled and attended classes as a candidate for a medical school degree regardless of country, i.e. who are considered a previous matriculant answering "Yes" on AMCAS (American Medical College Application Service) Application's Previous Matriculation question:


FOI #20-061 (02-17-20, 8:17 am)

Search Committee for Faculty Position

Name: Edward Miao

Affiliation: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 06/01/2017

Request Date End: 05/31/2018

Details: I am filing this Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request regarding the faculty search that sought to hire a tenure track Assistant Professor position in the Department of Immunology at UConn Health in Farmington, CT. This search accepted applications in the fall of 2017.

The search was for the position:

Asst Prof/Basic Sciences, Search #2018-074

By this FOIA request, I request to be informed of the names of the people (the faculty members) who formed the roster of the search committee. I read that information of search committees was available via FOIA requests from this your web site here:


FOI #20-057 (02-12-20, 9:39 am)

DOC Formulary records

Name: Megan Leubner

Affiliation: Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine at Quinnipiac University

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 02/12/2020

Request Date End: 02/12/2020

Details: This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act.

I request that a copy of the following documents (or documents containing the following information) be provided to me: the Connecticut Department of Correction drug formulary versions from the year 2000 to July 1, 2018, in digital format, if at all possible.
