Name: Thomas Varghese
Affiliation: Withheld.
Location: UConn Health
Request Date Start: Withheld.
Request Date End: Withheld.
Details: 1. Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act please provide all employment benefit documents that the University of Connecticut afforded or provided to employees including but not limited Vacation time, tuition reimbursements, dependent care, retirement plans. sick days. paid holidays, scheduled salary increases etc, in 2019/2020
2. Please provide all the similar benefits mentioned in item 1 above that were offered to Thomas Varghese as part of his employment offer package when he was offered employment as an Ergonomist in the time frame 2019/2020 at UCONN.
a. Please include the email/document offer of benefits made to Thomas Varghese on the date 1/9/20 @ approximately 2:07pm by a Marisa C Leone
3. Please provide documents or internal emails / communications /memorandums within UCONN discussing any revisions or changes to these benefits originally offered to Thomas Varghese on 1/9/2020
4. Please provide all documents or emails messages that were sent to Thomas Varghese indicating a change in the benefits identified in 1a above.
5. Please provide all copies of all written communications/emails/memos within UConn departments or staff members discussing changes to the job posting mentioned above
6. In your email dated July 20th 2020- you stated “While the position was posted as full time,” – Please provide the location /website where this job was posted as full time.
7. If the Ergonomist job was posted on any external job posting board or website, please provide copies of any job posting fees or expenses incurred by UCONN to post this job.